Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Missing "Friends"

I can't remember the last time I actually got addicted to a TV show...when "Friends" ended, I was so terribly sad...I had started watching them since I lived in New York and, at the time, I could really relate to them.

I ran into this episode clip a long time ago but it's so darn hilarious that I had to put it here.

I have also been touched by the Japanese culture a bit today. My friend Kyoko came to visit me today...she came to the States to participate in the Creative Escapes event in Phoenix and then came here to visit a couple of friends including myself. She is such a sweetheart and always gives me some cool gifts from Japan...Kyoko I wish I could see you more than once a year.


Anonymous said...

aaaargh!!! Ma lo sai che io ed Andrea in questo periodo ci stiamo riguardando tutte le serie di Freinds?! E' bellissimooo!!! ^-^

Anonymous said...

ooooh... I miss Friends too. It was such a great show. Thank goodness it will be in reruns for a long time. It still cracks me up even though I've seen most episodes multiple times.

Antonella said...

Anche a me manca un sacco Friends!!!! Devo rispolverare i miei dvd e rifarmi una bella dose!!!!
Ciauuuuu Laura!!!!
Come stai?????