Monday, January 5, 2009


Hello friends,

First of all...Happy New Year 2009!!!

Secondly...hubby finally got a new job and it's a really good one. Of course, it's nowhere near Sunnyvale, CA so we will be moving in a couple of weeks.

We will have a new place to call home soon and guess where it will be....



madretz said...

Boston is one of my favorite cities! I will miss you but I suspect our paths will cross again.

See you soon before you leave?

madretz said...

I also meant to say that I'm really glad to hear that your hubby got a good job!

Natália Rosin said...

Hi, dear friend!
HNY for you too!

Giò said...

Sono sicura che vi aspetta un bellissimo capitolo della vostra vita. Ricordati che se ti serve una mano basta che chiami e arrivo!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that he got a job and that it promises to be a good one. I loved Boston when I visited a few times. I hope you grow to love it there too. Old city feel, great seafood, nice people and not too far from us in Chicago. I hope Mateo and Elisa adapt easily. I know you will be making new friends in no time. Take care! Sandra

Nadia said...

un grosso in bocca al lupo per questa nuova avventura!

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura,

I have been trying to connect with you, do you have an address yet? I would love to send you some cards. I miss you! I remembered about your blog today, at work, and thought I would drop you a line. . . .Hugs, Angie